Public Lecture, Debate Training and Student Scientific Writing
The Student Association of the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, Padang State University held Debate Training and Student Scientific Writing on Tuesday (21/5/2024) at the Hall of the Faculty of Social Sciences. This activity aims to be a forum for channeling creativity and increasing the critical power of students, especially students of Public Administration Science at Padang State University, as well as increasing the participation of State Administration Science students in student activities as well as strengthening relationships between students and developing the organizational skills of Science students. Padang State University State Administration. The activity with the theme "Forming Young Administrators by Building Argumentation in Debate Skills in Scientific Writing" was opened directly by the Deputy Dean 1 of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Padang State University, Mr. Dr. Hasrul, M.Si. This activity was also attended by the Head of the Department of State Administration, Mrs. Dra. Fitri Eriyanti, M.Pd., Ph.D and the Supervisor of the Student Association of the Department of State Administration, Mrs. Yuliarti, S.E., M.E and attended by 47 participants, then 12 guests, and 29 organizing committee members.

In this activity, material presented by Mr. Dr. Nofrion, M.Pd as the first speaker and the second speaker was delivered by Nadia Eka Putri Indriani, S.Pd. as well as conducting questions and answers from participants to the presenters regarding the material presented. Then it was continued with giving a certificate to presenter 1 by the Head of the Department of State Administration, Mrs. Dra. Fitri Eriyanti, M.Pd., Ph.D. With the Debate Training and Scientific Writing activities, students can foster critical attitudes in the younger generation, increase students' interest and analytical talents, as well as serve as a forum for channeling the creativity of students at the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, Padang State University.