Providing Internship Students for the Period July - December 2024
Padang, 29 June 2024 – Department of Public Administration (IAN) Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS) Padang State University (UNP) equipped 145 students with advanced knowledge and skills in internship training for the period July – December 2024. This event was held in the UNP FIS Hall today and attended by Deputy Dean I FIS Dr. Hasrul, M.Si, Head of IAN Laboratory Rahmadani Yusran, S.Sos, M.Si, and Head of IAN Internship Dr. Hasbullah Malau, S.Sos, M.Si.
Prospective internship participants receive material that is very useful for their success in carrying out their internship, namely:
Branding & Digital Marketing Specialist by Ahmad Hafizd, S.E, C.DM. This material is important to help students build their self-image and market themselves well in internships.
Writing an Internship Report by Rahmadani Yusran, S.Sos, M.Sc. This material is important to help students create internship reports that are systematic and in accordance with applicable standards.
"We hope that this internship provision can help students prepare themselves well to carry out internships. "We also hope that students can utilize the knowledge and skills they gain during their internship to improve their competencies and become ready-to-use graduates," said Dr. Hasrul, M.Si, in his speech.
This internship provision is a form of IAN UNP's commitment to preparing its students to become superior and competitive graduates in the world of work. With thorough training, it is hoped that students can carry out internships successfully and gain valuable experience that is useful for their future.